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Guest Post with Author Larry Peterson!

I am happy to tell you that we have a guest today! Let’s welcome author Larry Peterson into our admittedly crazy, bibliophile-world! He’s the author of The Priest and the Peaches.

Want to know more about the book? Your wish is my command!

Historical fiction novel set in the Bronx in the mid-1960s

Take a seven day journey with the five, newly orphaned Peach kids, as they begin their struggle to remain a family while planning their dad's funeral.

They find an ally in the local parish priest, Father Tim Sullivan, who tries his best to guide them through the strange, unchartered and turbulent waters of "grown-up world." A story that is sad, funny, and inspiring as it shows how the power of family love and faith can overcome seemingly insurmountable obstacles.

Mmmm, sounds interesting right?

Only thing is it’s an e-book only – but for those of you who have the ability to read those, you can get one for your Kindle here, for your Nook here, for your iBooks here, Smashwords here, or a PDF here. Check it out!

And now is Larry’s own words:

I have described writing a novel as akin to building a house. For me, the overall concept is in my mind. The blank paper is the land where the house will be built. Most of the building materials are on the truck waiting to be unloaded. The only problem for me is I do not have any blue-prints to follow so I have to figure out where everything goes without direction. Many writers outline carefully (blue-print) and some synopsize from beginning to end (build a scale model). I synopsize after the fact (more or less jotting down where I have been after a few chapters so I have reference to the thousands of words already written). I am more or less considered a "pantser" (flying by the seat of my pants) and it is a method frowned upon by most experts.

Another way to look at the process of novel writing is as if you are on a cross-country journey. The first couple of hundred miles are more or less a straight run on the interstate and you just breeze along with nary a bump in the road. Suddenly there is an unexpected detour ahead and you are sent in another direction. You make a wrong turn and discover that you have no idea where you are. Where is that darn highway? You stop and ask directions (thinking) and write them down (different ideas) and the person who gave you directions becomes a new character. You begin to drive and "thumpa-thumpa," you blow a tire. Uh oh--the spare is flat. You have had enough and decide to stop at a motel so you can relax and regroup. Ultimately, you fight through the adversity (write-edit-write-edit-write) and keep on going.
I hope you get my point with all of this. You will always hit the proverbial "bump in the road".

Sometimes you will wind up in a ditch. You have to deal head-on with all obstacles. The goal is to finish the journey. The entire process will more than likely prove to be a lot more challenging than you ever thought. But you MUST keep on truckin' - sooner or later you will reach the end of the journey.

Sidebar: If some of the young folks out there would like to get an idea of how it might be to have to fend for themselves and take care of the "business of life" they might enjoy reading The Priest & The Peaches. Not all kids come home to an X-Box 360 or a Wii, and a mom who is there to feed them and tuck them in.

Isn’t that the truth? How weird is to imagine life without the internet, cell phones, etc.? That’s what’s awesome about books – you get the chance to be transported anywhere!

To learn more about Larry Peterson and The Priest and the Peaches you can visit his blog here, his Facebook page here, or his Twitter page here. You can also learn more about Tribute Books, the publisher, at their website here.

Thanks for visiting, Larry!


Tribute Books said…
Angie, thanks for featuring Larry today. We appreciate it!
Hi Angie--thank so much for taking the time to feature my book and post. I am grateful for being given the opportunity to be here. Best wishes always,
Larry P
Landon said…
Appreciate your blog ppost

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