Forgotten is the YA debut of Cat Patrick.
Sixteen-year-old London Lane can't remember what happened yesterday. She never can. At 4:33AM each morning her memory wipes clean, and all she has to keep a handle on what happened the day before - or in fact, any day since she was six and this started happening - London reads all of her notes. Her notes inform her of what she wore the day before, what she needs to bring to school, what's going on with her best friend, etc. Each morning her life is new.
But she does "remember" the future. Not all of it. Just pieces. Just like a memory of the past. And in this memory of the future she sees various upcoming heartbreaks or joys for her classmates, including her best friend. But when her flash-forwards don't warn of the gorgeous new guy named Luke who seems interested in her - she's afraid that means it's not going to go anywhere anyway. And how can she keep up a potential romance with a guy she'll forget tomorrow anyway?
When London's "flash-forwards" start to become disturbing and begin to feature a funeral, London is convinced she needs to find out what is going on in it, and try her best to change it. Because, after all, what's the use of her unique brain if she can't at least do that?
Forgotten is a fascinating and certainly original novel. The basic premise is already enough to blow your mind, and the intimate, lovely, and mysterious way Cat Patrick writes it made me patiently await more info on London's strange ability/disability as I followed, oh-so-willingly, this bizarre but admittedly intriguing plot down the rabbit's hole.
This is one of the most flat-out enigmatic novels I have read this year! It was never, ever boring - keeping me glued to the tantalizing revelations and stunningly presented story of a girl who never remembers, but you do. And it's never a bad thing that Forgotten also features a hot, awesome guy who has become the perfect boyfriend for London (in my mind, at least), though she can only look to her reminder notes each morning to "know" that.
Heartrendingly beautiful and lyrically scribed, I was utterly riveted as London's story turned more harrowing and revealing as it neared the end. After all, you all know that we're wondering what London's brain resets every day since she was six. What happened to her? Cat Patrick doesn't expect us to forget this question.
Though the mystery and suspicions of the past she has no memory of is an important part of Forgotten, the book in itself still epitomizes the ultimate romance, amazingly executed plot, family's enduring love, and character development up the whazoo!
I positively LOVED it!!!!!! And as I finished the novel and sat it lovingly to my side, I couldn't help but let out a contented sigh. Now, that is a sign all of us unashamed bibliophiles recognize! It means, this is a really good book!!!!!!
Now, I am sure that many will say this, so forgive me because I cannot resist... Forgotten is a novel that will never be forgotten. It lingers oh-so-gloriously, reminding you of its power, eloquence, unexpected twists, and one of the most unique first loves you'll ever witness.
All I can do is thank Cat Patrick - and beg her to keep on writing novels this stunning!
*I received a review copy of Forgotten from Hachette Book Group. Their generosity in no way influenced, nor sought to influence, my opinion of the novel.
***BIBLIOPHILE ALERT! I have been reading like an even crazier book addict than usual this year, and apparently three reviews a week can't keep up pace with me! Because of this, for the entire month of July I will be having FIVE reviews a week! That's right! Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday! So, please remember to check back here more often during July - and come August I'm planning on returning to three reviews a week. Keep the schedule change in mind, and don't miss any reviews! :)