Annaleah shared something special with Brian. She loved being with him. When they were together, nothing else really mattered. Even if no one else really knew about their relationship, it felt perfect.
But then he died.
Sudden. A heart issue of some kind. Something no one could have predicted.
And now Annaleah is grieving – deeply, painfully, and constantly.
Yet she has no one to share the grief with – she never met his family, his friends.
She’s on the outside, alone, and wondering if she can survive the mourning she doesn’t even feel allowed to have.
You Are Not Here is a heartbreaking novel. The fact that it’s written in verse give it a rhythmical, poetical elegance that makes the words flow right off the page and stab you in the chest. It hurts to read.
There is an authenticity, an intimacy, and a subtly that resonates after you close the pages.
Reading it took almost no time at all. I read it in less than a day. But it has an impact, a beauty. Certainly well-done and moving.
Something different among the fantasy and paranormal – it’s nice.
*Just a Note: Blogger has changed the way I upload pics for the cover of the books I'm removing. Because of this, the appearance of the way the cover shows on this blog has changed. As of yet, I have not found out if there is a way to customize this. I much prefer the previous look - and I aplogize if you do to! Feel free to email me if you know a way I can make it appear the way it did before. Thanks!