Assembled here are fourteen short stories that feature a prediction or prophecy of some sort. It’s a cool premise because it can be interpreted so many ways, that though there is a common thread to each story each one is so unique from the other.
Starting off we get a tale from Laini Taylor that is evocative, interesting and intriguing. It felt enjoyable – and complete! That’s one of the main pet peeves I have with short stories – I don’t want to feel like it’s the start of the story instead of a satisfying, completed one. With Foretold I didn’t have that problem.
Next, Diana Peterfreund’s story had a chilling and excellent vibe. Truly great!
In fact, each story in Foretold has something creepy, funny, or thought-provoking to offer. There’s a Hitchcock flavor to one, dark disturbing aspects to others, and then humor (like Cabot’s) that is fun, memorable and happily recognizable.
All the stories were original. And there were really no duds!
The only one that fell a bit flat for me was the last one by Richelle Mead, which I think is because it felt like I was missing chunks. Like I was supposed to already know these people and this world, though I didn’t. I think it might have been an inclusion to her Vampire Academy series, which I’ve never read.
But other than that, Foretold was really fantastic! An extremely well-done anthology!!!