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Revived is a YA contemporary novel with a sci-fi twist by Cat Patrick.

Golly gee wilkers, I am becoming a HUGE fan of Cat Patrick’s! First she wrote Forgotten, which was remarkable! (Read my review of it here.) And now she’s wowing me with her second novel – I am officially impatient for her third book – and don’t even know what it’s about!

Here’s a little about what Revived is about:

Daisy doesn’t remember the first time she died. Though she recalls that drowning was awful, and she was always a little frightened of buses afterwards. But she was only four years old at the time, so it’s a bit of a fog.

But that was the say she was brought back to life – the first time – and inducted into a classified program testing a drug called Revive. She and other kids from the accident that died, whom the drug worked on, began a life of secrecy and science.

Now nearing sixteen-years-old, Daisy has died and been Revived five times. Each death means a new city, a new name, a new identity. She’s always held back on any real friendships because it’s all a lie, and she’s used to that. Life in the program is about pretending to be normal, blending in, and not being noticed much.

That’s all about to change.

After her fifth death, Daisy ends up in Omaha and meets Matt and Audrey McKean, siblings that connect with Daisy. For the first time, Daisy enjoys the camaraderie and laughs of having a good girlfriend, and with Matt there is a deep attraction that she’s never experienced.

For anything to come of it, though, she must no longer be an experiment.

But as she tries to release the program’s hold on her life, she begins to realize how much deeper – and darker – it goes…

Oh, wow! Cat Patrick has done it again!

Revived is very enigmatic, mysterious, and inviting, expertly compelling – drawing me in from the first page. Yet again we have a human, intimate story heightened by an intelligent, original twist with the experimental drug Revive.

This is a smart, suspenseful, romantic, fast-paced YA novel that can rival adult titles (most of them can, in my opinion), providing exceptional characterizations and a candid look at life issues, like death. In spite of many of the subjects dealt with being heavy ones, Revived never gets bogged down or too glum – instead it’s unpretentious, electrifying, evocative, sweet, and surprisingly uplifting.

Plus, there are some scary developments I did NOT see coming!

I cannot stress how touching, amazing, and awesome Revived was!

My bibliophile insanity implores you to pick up your copy NOW!

*I received a review copy of Revived from Hachette Book Group. Their generosity in no way influenced, nor sought to influence, my opinion of the novel.


Krystianna said…
I'm happy to hear that this one was good! This was one of my anticipated 2012 reads. I love the cover!

Thanks for the review :)

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