Thirteen-year-old Brittany Rush has been appearing in commercials since she was in diapers. She’s been one of the top-booking girls her age – and loves it. In fact, sometimes she’d arrive at a callback and other girls would simply up-and-leave at the sight of her – knowing it was practically hopeless to get chosen when she was an option.
But then her parents had to go and ruin her life by taking her and her sister to Hong Kong for business for a year. Now that she’s finally back – she’s ready to jump back into her career with both feet.
Problem is, more has changed since she left than she’d like to acknowledge. She’s not so special anymore. Another girl has become the top-booker, and Brittany is in the unique situation of being one of the other, forgettable, generically pretty girls.
This cannot be tolerated.
Brittany comes up with a scheme to win back the spotlight – because a life without it… well, she can’t imagine it.
But is there a possibility that there is more to life than being famous for thirty seconds?
Famous for Thirty Seconds is a cute, perky, behind-the-scenes look at kid acting, commercial auditions, callbacks, and filming. P. G. Kain uses his own experience to pepper in all kinds of great details that make for a fascinating look at how those pesky commercials are made.
The first Commercial Breaks novel focuses on a wake-up call for Brittany, and maybe a good old-fashioned lesson in humility. Sometimes Brittany wasn’t the most likable character – she can be self-absorbed and an expert at bad decisions – but she’s never unlikable either.
It’s a fun, light easy read that has a good message without skimping on the entertainment. Famous for Thirty Seconds is fast paced and as fluffy as cotton candy. Very enjoyable.
I’d definitely see how younger girls would love it, but even older readers can be chirpily diverted with it. If I ever get Picture Perfect, the second book in the series, in my hands – I wouldn’t hesitate to read it.
Commercial Breaks is sure to be a sought-after, fun series.