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Eyes to See

Eyes to See is an adult urban paranormal novel by Joseph Nassise.

Jeremiah Hunt was once a father and a husband – an ordinary man living an ordinary life, with a decent career as a professor of classics and dead languages at Harvard.

But then his little girl, Elizabeth, disappeared from their house while he was studying. Jeremiah heard nothing suspicious. He was working. Last he saw her she was playing quietly – then she was simply gone.

The police have nothing to go on and the investigation goes nowhere. And the normal life Jeremiah had been enjoying begins to crumble. It only takes months for his obsession with finding Elizabeth on his own costs him his job, his wife… all that he has.

He tries everything. Desperate, Jeremiah turns to a bizarre ritual in a book that promises to allow him to “see what is unseen” – he hopes this will lead him to Elizabeth.

Yet the ritual is more than he bargains for. Jeremiah is now mostly blind – except for the ability to see ghosts and other non-mortal creatures clearly. He never would have guessed there were any – let alone so many. And his gut instinct tells him that this world of ghosts and otherworldly beings is somehow connected to Elizabeth’s disappearance.

With time, Jeremiah learns enough about different types of ghosts to make a small living off of getting rid of the peskier ones for hire. He needs to fund his continued search for his daughter, and there’s no chance of him getting a normal job now.

The latest case, however, seems to be directly related to Elizabeth’s disappearance. Yet his elation of finding a lead also stinks of a trap.

But one thing Jeremiah knows is that if he doesn’t find this killer, this tormenting abductor, it will not only make the last many years of his life even more worthless than others find it, but ruin many more innocent lives…

Eyes to See was amazing!

First off, the vibe of urban fantasy and supernatural mythology/legends vibrates with creepy coolness right from the start. We meet Jeremiah Hunt on a job, a job in which he is trying to rid an apartment building of a vengeful, murdered ghost. Very well done. Plus it’s a great way to meet our protagonist. He’s gruff and definitely anti-social, he both knows what he’s doing yet is rather new at it all – he’s unique and compelling, for sure.

The storyline zipped along fast – I was in its grips from beginning to end. The city grit and mystery solving is dark, yet still keeps a sense of fun. I mean, the crimes themselves are most assuredly violent, disturbing, and the stuff of nightmares – yet Jeremiah’s humor and need for justice gives it levity.

Our ongoing plot of finding Jeremiah’s sweet, missing daughter is also absorbing. Pretty much, there is not one thing in Eyes to See that isn’t awesome. It’s funny, suspenseful, touching, enthralling, and flat-out fantastic entertainment!

I absolutely loved it. I was sucked in, I was impressed with the level of writing and creativity that wrapped me in an overarching fantasy story that made sense and was clearly thought out. I especially loved Jeremiah Hunt as a lead character and am so very, very happy to know that Eyes to See is the first in a series – because I definitely want more!

For all of you who follow the Bibliophile Support Group and primarily read YA, I believe that you’ll love Eyes to See too. Besides Jeremiah being a grown man with an ex-wife and missing daughter, the story itself isn’t all that more grim, graphic, or violent than a lot of paranormal YAs I’ve read – maybe just a tad on the crime side. But I definitely encourage you to give this adult novel a chance, because it is incredible!!!


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