Seven Kinds of Ordinary Catastrophes is a comedic YA novel by Amber Kizer.
Gert Garibaldi is entering her second semester of her Sophomore year of high school with a boyfriend - that's a first. And it seems that this year is going be full of firsts.
For one, her friends have decided that they should try out for the new girls' soccer team - and despite Gert having a boyfriend, she can't deny the appeal of being around luscious Lucas (assistant student coach) and goes for it. But, oh, she didn't realize there'd be so much running.
Also, she's having to deal with the dreaded "Who Are You?" essay that is worth, like, her entire grade that no one ever seems to get an A on. Joy.
Another first? Kissing. But she didn't realize it would feel like suffocating or be quite so uncomfortable, wet, and entirely without fun. Is it the boy kissing her? Is it her? All she knows is that she feels like running in the other direction when his lips start closing in!
Gert's life is full of ordinary catastrophes, but when all of these add on to some more serious family moments - well, it's going to be quite a Sophomore year...
This is the sequel to the first Gert Garibaldi novel entitled One Butt Cheek at a Time, though I didn't get the chance to read it first. I decided to just dive into this one (quite uncharacteristic of me, as someone who is obsessed with reading books in order, but for some reason I felt like this time it would be okay).
Seven Kinds of Ordinary Catastrophes is definitely an entertaining book! Gert's first person voice is funny with a forceful, outgoing personality. There are some truly laugh-out-loud stuff in here as we follow this wildly smart, crazy, relatable, hilarious gal! I mean, within only the first thirty pages I was giggling hysterically multiple times!
Gert is a unique mixture of Louise Rennison's Georgia Nicholson and Bridget Jones, with bits of a modern American teenager thrown in. There are some flat-out outrageous conversations in Seven Kinds of Ordinary Catastrophes - some of which are sexually graphic in nature, but all done in the name of comedy and natural curiosity - and all of which end up being frakkin' funny!!!
This is a wholly enjoyable and charming contemporary novel to lighten the mood between the darker paranormal books or more bitter-than-sweet stories - refreshing and stress relieving! I would most assuredly check out another Gert Garibaldi book - not so much because I'm dying to find out what happens next (though I am interested) but more because Amber Kizer's writing is just so flat-out hilarious and unexpected!!!
Feeling down? Like to laugh? Grab Seven Kinds of Ordinary Catastrophes!
***ALERT: Due to continued bibliophile reading overdosing, I am continuing the 5 reviews a week through August. After that, I am absolutely returning to only 3 reviews a week in September and on. So, we'll just think of this as a summer special! Thanks for reading!!!