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Accomplice is a YA novel by Eireann Corrigan.

Best friends Finn and Chloe have been working hard, since they were young, to get into a great college. They've done well in school and spent a bunch of time doing stuff that looks good on applications but isn't so much fun in real life. But then a college advisor came in and told everybody that what used to be good enough, isn't good enough anymore.

More and more applicants make the likelihood of getting into the college of your choice harder than ever - and you need to stand out and be truly unique to be noticed and accepted.

That's when Chloe starts to come up with something - something that will for sure capture attention. They will stage Chloe's disappearance, get CNN's interest, and then when the time is right Finn will "find" her - and they'll both be famous and be able to pick and choose the college of their choice.

It's a victimless crime that just takes resolve to complete - right? But with Chloe stashed away, Finn is the one having to deal with the frightened parents and the horrible guilt - and then everything starts to fall apart. It's not happening the way they planned, and Finn doesn't like where it's going - but now it's too late to turn back...

Ooooh, Accomplice is tension-filled, nerve-wracking, and all-encompassing - Eireann Corrigan made me feel like the third executer of this crime, as I began to feel as guilty as Finn - as if I was an accomplice too! The novel has an excellent plot that zips along, underlining the pressure high school students feel these days about college - it's a hard pressure to bear, which makes Accomplice not that hard to believe.

Finn is a great character to follow - you sometimes get a glimpse of her wit and her kindness, character traits that often get overshadowed by Chloe's beauty and instant likability by her fellow students and even the charmed adults. I started to feel very protective of Finn, and the layers of the plot really started to become more intense as the realizations pile up - realizations and revelations that I don't want to mention here and ruin your own experience reading it!!!

I was on the edge of my seat, wondering how on earth Accomplice would end! And, man, is it an ending! I was breathless, chilled, and shocked - it's a conclusion that left me flabbergasted and desperate for more. Wow!

I thought Accomplice was amazing and extremely well done!!! Check it out, bibliophiles!!!

***ALERT: Due to continued bibliophile reading overdosing, I am continuing the 5 reviews a week through August. After that, I am absolutely returning to only 3 reviews a week in September and on. So, we'll just think of this as a summer special! Thanks for reading!!!


Susan said…
Wow, you liked this book a whole lot better than I did. I thought it was unrealistic, plotless and just kind of ridiculous. It's always interesting to me to hear what other people think of books I've read. Thanks for sharing your thoughts.

I found you via Kimberley Griffiths Little's post on Facebook, by the way. It's nice to "meet" you!
Angie said…
Nice to meet you too, Susan!

It's amazing how we all have such different opinions - that's why I always encourage everybody to read books for themselves and not just go by reviewers/critics.

For me, in a day and age when people, especially kids, are doing almost anything to get on TV/YouTube, etc., it wasn't that hard to believe. So once our main character was part of it, I could understand how then she'd be a bit stuck. And the writing, for me, was tense and raw.

Thanks so much for sharing your opinion in the comments section! I hope you continue to do so! :)

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