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Linger is the second book in the YA paranormal trilogy Wolves of Mercy Falls, written by Maggie Stiefvater.

You know the drill. I sound like a broken record. If ya haven't read Shiver (the first book), go read my review of THAT here, and avoid this review for possible SPOILERS of Shiver, okay? OKAY? All right.

Now, continuing...

Sam is cured. He can stand out in the freezing temperatures without feeling the urge, the involuntary pull, of the wolf inside of him needing to take over. Sam can now be with Grace. But instead of just enjoying his new permanent humanity, he finds himself obsessed with the new wolves Beck turned - especially one particularly unstable one named Cole, whom Sam can't quite figure out. Does he take Beck's place and help them?

Grace has Sam back - but something is wrong with her. She doesn't feel well, and she's never been one to get sick. She fears that whatever is wrong with her may still keep Sam and her from being together forever... Has her time finally come to join the wolves in the forest, now that Sam is no longer part of the pack?

All you awesome followers of this blog know that I hate to give too much of a premise for a sequel, because if you read and loved Shiver - then there is really no need to have any details about the next book - you're already sold, right?! :)

Again the cover, with a matching green print, is one of the most eye-catching out there. Love it. Now onto the actual book...

The first line of Linger is breathtaking - murdering any doubts I had left over from the middle portion of Shiver and returning me to the awe I was in at the end of the phenomenal first book. Stiefvater has an elegant, mesmerizing way of creating a sort of contemporary fairy-tale. Linger has its moments of humor to give a little levity to its mostly darker tone that deals melodically and poignantly with drug abuse, childhood trauma, and suicidal thoughts. All of these startling layers bring about an utterly unique magical romance.

Unlike in Shiver, Linger gives us Isabel's viewpoint as well as the new character Cole's. This give us more insight into these two flawed, damaged people - and convinces me that Isabel is pretty awesome, even if she does need help.

Grace's sudden, nagging headaches are ominous, and Maggie Stiefvater continues to give her characters enormous depth. You yearn for their redemption, for their relief from their sadness and hopelessness. This, again, is why this trilogy reminds me more of a tragic myth or legend, rather than a fun, fast-paced paranormal YA. It is of a different genre, in my opinion. Not necessarily of a higher caliber than these other novels out there... more like just as awesome, but in a different way. Linger can sometimes be disturbing, horrifying, and unpleasant, yet always hypnotic and romantic.

An effortless tension wraps me up in this journey of a story - Linger is full of so much pain and so much love. I am fascinated with its conclusion and cannot wait to see where Stiefvater will take these fragile, yet strong, characters in the Wolves of Mercy Falls' final book coming out in July - Forever.

I will most definitely be finding out ASAP!


Anonymous said…
Thanks! for sharing

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