How to Trap a Zombie, Track a Vampire, and Other Hands-on Activities for Monster Hunters is a handbook for young wizards and all of you self-proclaimed fantasy geeks out there, written by A. R. Rotruck.
Have you been dying to learn how to capture a werewolf? How about figuring out how to spot, and make, traps? This is the guide for you if you want to become a master adventurer/moster hunter! No need to wait to get into some fancy wizardry school, How to Trap a Zombie, Track a Vampire, and Other Hands-on Activities for Monster Hunters will help you get there using nothing but your smarts and reading ability, with step-by-step instructions and easy-to-learn monster profiles!
With its full-color, large pages How to Trap a Zombie is full of interactive activities that will get kids to participate and become quite creative! This is a great gift for children that are fantasy inclined. How to Trap a Zombie sparks the imagination and fosters it in a fun, arts and crafts sort of way - putting forth the possibility of creating fantastic, amazing adventures using handy kitchen items and old, unwanted clothes. Kids will actually want to participate in these handbook instructions - I think I personally would've loved it when I was younger! Probably would've been a blast!
How to Trap a Zombie is full of unique games for groups, as well as an individual kid. With such an interactive flare, this book will keep children's' minds active and delighted.
So I definitely encourage you to hand over these advice, tips, and instructions to any young monster hunter in training. For the adults, its fun to look at it and think of how much you would have adored it as a kid, but How to Trap a Zombie is for the young ones - for sure! :)