Unsinkable is the first book in a YA/middlegrade trilogy called Titanic by author Gordon Korman.
The Titanic is a majestic, unbelievable ship and it is about to set off on its maiden voyage. Four of its passengers already have lives fraught with danger, worry, and hardship - and they don't even know what's coming...
Paddy is a stowaway, accidentally escaping aboard the Titanic to get away from a deadly situation. His trip to America is dampened with a deep grief and a fear of being caught.
Sophie is a first-class passenger that can't avoid the dirty looks of the rest of her class, as she is escorted on to the Titanic with her mother - both of them in handcuffs.
Juliana's father seems intent on gambling away their riches and she is finding it harder and harder to hide from society that he is losing his grip on his sanity.
Alfie has joined his father as a member of the crew - his father a part of the firemen group at the bottom level, Alfie a junior steward to first class. But his employment is based on a lie that could endanger his continued passage on the Titanic.
These four passengers don't yet know how their lives will be changed, or cut short, forever by the fate of the Titanic. But as each day passes, they grow closer to knowing...
I am a big fan of the movie Titanic and love historical fiction, so I knew I wanted to read Titanic, Book One: Unsinkable. And I'm so glad I did! The novel transported me to the time period easily and swept me away to this ominous moment in history.
The characters are believable and very interesting. I found myself honestly caring for each of them and their extremely different personalities and situations. Each separate storyline is equally intriguing and suspenseful. And the knowledge that the Titanic will sink adds an extra dose of nerves for these characters you've come to be involved in. Especially since a shocking situation that happens early on, as well as a big twist that happens late leads you to the conclusion that our protagonists aren't necessarily guaranteed survival.
There is something chilling about reading about this doomed ship and its passengers. I felt Gordon Korman did an excellent job! I definitely recommend Titanic, Book One: Unsinkable, and I look very forward to the opportunity to read the second book in the trilogy!