Angel is the seventh book, as well as the penultimate novel, in the YA Maximum Ride series by author James Patterson.
First off - do not read this review if you haven't read Books 1 - 6! Don't ruin the ride for yourself, you crazy, impatient book addict! ;)
Now, for all of you who actually have business reading this...
Max isn't herself. She is heartbroken. She hates being heartbroken. But Fang, the flock member that was her best friend and became more, took off. And when a new threat seems to be breaking across the horizon with a new organization called the Doomsday Group, Max misses his company all the more. But Dylan, who hasn't made his devotion to Max hidden, stays steadfastly by her side, ready to help. This annoys Max. Though sometimes... she can't help but be drawn to him...
But as the Doomsday Group seems to explode overnight and even some of the flock seem to begin agreeing with their insane, antihuman rants - Max starts them off on a global search to figure out WTH is going on!
That is the extent of the details I feel I can safely give away.
And did Angel follow through with the series' improvement in Fang? In my opinion - yes!!!
Though I feel Fang is a weaker character when he is away from the flock, all the characters are back to being themselves - including having sweet Angel back, instead of the Angel that turned backstabber inexplicably for a while. There are some creepy twists, and reemerging of characters from earlier books that continues to return the much needed flare of the original books.
Back is the edgy sci-fi experimentation and mind control gone awry plots! And the fast, clipped pace of Angel helped to make it a swift, entertaining read. I was honestly surprised just how much I enjoyed it!
And despite my earlier belief that Fang is a weaker character without Max (which I still think is true, but...), he is kinda hot. Mmm hmm.
Angel is intense and heart pounding, one second action-packed, the next second heart-wrenching! The end is a cliffhanger among cliffhangers, and made my heart soar for a series that I feel has drastically improved within these last two books and left me happily desperate for the next and FINAL book!!!
Wow. What a difference two books can make!
I don't know about you but I will be flocking to the next book as soon as its available.
Forgive me. I had to say it. Lol. :)
*I received a review copy of Angel from Hatchette Book Group. Their generosity in no way influenced, nor sought to influence, my opinion of the novel.