Days of Blood & Starlight is the YA fantasy sequel to the astonishing Daughter of Smoke & Bone by Laini Taylor.
You know the drill. Roll your eyes if you want to. It’s still true.
If you have not yet read Daughter of Smoke & Bone, you MUST do so before reading this review or accidentally getting any minor to major spoilers. Okay?!?!? Thank you.
You can read my review of that first book here.
Moving on… IF you have read Daughter of Smoke & Bone, that is.
Blue-haired, raised-by-a-monster, eccentric art student Karou now knows who she is.
What she is.
And that truth comes with the bitter betrayal of knowing that the enemy, whom she risked everything to love, has done the unthinkable.
He has facilitated the murder of her family. Her family of monsters.
The world she left behind is in tatters. Because of her.
Karou now faces the question of how she will avenge her people when they don’t trust her…
Will there ever be any hope?
Obviously my synopsis for Days of Blood & Starlight is rather thin. You know why. As a fan of Daughter of Smoke & Bone, do you really want to know anything about the sequel?
Yeah, that’s what I thought.
Days of Blood & Starlight is dramatic with intensely evocative writing that creates a hypnotic, dark fantasy world wrapped around the ultimate forbidden love story.
It’d been a while since I read the first book, and without time to reread Daughter of Smoke & Bone I was playing catch-up for a bit. Yet the impression it left on me was still there – the thought of Brimstone, and the others’, death still upset me.
This is one of the few books that I really had no idea where the story was going. No guesses or predictions – it’s just so totally unique. I love that!
As the novel went along, though, the surprising, enigmatic, heavy twists were stunning. The foreign environments, human and otherwise, felt real. Days of Blood & Starlight is a suspenseful, heart-breaking, nerve-wracking tale.
By the end I was thinking: Whoa.
What a gorgeously done, memorable book!!!
I am DYING for book three.
My advice? If you haven’t already – read Days of Blood & Starlight!!!