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Darkbeast is a middle grade fantasy novel by Morgan Keyes.

In Keara’s world, every child has a darkbeast that they take their faults, their misdeeds, and their dark emotions to. The darkbeast absorbs them, a constant companion to the child they are magically bound to.

Until their twelfth birthday when the child kills their darkbeast. It is not only tradition, but law.

Keara, however, is not like most children. Instead of feeling bitterness or irritancy with her darkbeast for being the reminder of her flaws and lack of freedom, Keara loves her darkbeast. He is a raven, named Caw. To her, he is a friend.

The thought of killing Caw is unthinkable, yet unavoidable, in Keara’s mind.

As the day draws near, Keara’s decision will cause ripple effects that will change her life and those around her…

Definitely don’t want to give too many details here. Darkbeast was too good!

Morgan Keyes has created a lovely, beautiful, unique fantasy that provides a sprawling view from small village life to the magnetism of a traveling theatre troupe that catches Keara’s fascination. There are stories within the story here, all of them well done and entrancing.

Darkbeast has a heroine that is relatable, likable, and brave. Her relationship with her darkbeast Caw has a familiar comfort to it, a pure love that causes her to consider a break in tradition. A break in law. Something that is so unimaginable that she would put herself at risk in many ways.

This novel is further proof that middle grade books can be thrilling, transfixing, captivating and poignant! I am SOOOOO glad that there is going to be a sequel!!! I was emotionally attached, on the edge of my seat, and turning pages like my life depended on it. Morgan Keyes made me care, made me worry.

The colors, the descriptions, the dialogue – everything felt genuine and vibrant. Darkbeast was quite an exquisite fantasy marvel that can be read by any age. This is why we should never disregard a “children’s” book.

Sometimes they are the best books!


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Deborah Blake said…
I read this book and loved it! I can't wait for the sequel either.

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