The Inheritance Cycle is a fantasy epic for all ages by Christopher Paolini.
Recently the fourth and final novel in the Cycle, Inheritance, was released and I was fortunate enough to receive a copy. The last one I’ve read is Eragon.
I’m probably a bit behind most of you – or all – when it comes to these novels. I’m assuming most of you know that this is a high fantasy journey taking place in another world where we follow Eragon, a Dragon Rider, and his dragon Saphira in their adventures and battles and quests.
Thing is, when I read Eragon quite a long time ago, I really liked it. I especially loved all the times with Saphira as a baby. I can’t help it; I love baby animals (if we can classify dragons as animals) and their relationship with their human. That was sweet. When it got into the higher fantasy stuff, though, I still really enjoyed it but got a bit more confused. I ended up having mixed feelings, but I knew I wanted to continue with series when I got the chance.
From what I’ve heard this saga is a great read. It’s a bestseller and has great reviews. Also, of course, there are some poorer reviews and some cynical comparisons to Star Wars and Lord of the Rings. Thing is, I can’t add my opinion to the mix. Why?
Because the books are just TOO long!!!
I’d love to be able to catch up by reading Eldest, Brisingr and then finally Inheritance and give you an in-depth personal review (that is, after all, what this blog is all about) – but I have dozens of books to read right now (I’m not even kidding – if I suddenly stop posting reviews, you can pretty much assume I’ve died of suffocation after all of the stacks of books waiting to be reviewed have finally fallen on me) and I can’t justify taking what would be FAR too long to read all three! Each book is between 700 to 900 pages.
So, I am going to have set the Inheritance Cycle aside for now and hope to rejoin the series later on when I have more time and fewer obligations. But I encourage all of you bibliophiles to read the quartet and let me know what you think! Or if you’ve already read them, feel free to start up a conversation about your thoughts in the comments section.
Sadly, I just can’t risk death by book suffocation (though that may be a bibliophile’s preferred way to go in old age) just yet.
See ya on Monday!