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Reaching Through Time

Reaching Through Time is a YA contemporary fantasy book containing three novellas written by Lurlene McDaniel.

In What’s Happened to Me? we meet Sarah. She wakes up in a gorgeous estate with no memory of who she is, where she came from – nothing. But a young, handsome man named Heath de Charon tends to her every need, attentively taking care of her as he explains he found her, unconscious, on his property. Her attraction to him is strong, but she begins to hear voices – voices urging her to “come back”. In her confusion, Sarah knows one thing: she needs to find out where she belongs.

When the Clock Chimes is the second novella in Reaching Through Time and features Drake, a teen boy who is happy to find a summer job that won’t require he be up and about too much, as showing off his imperfection and hobbling walk is not his favorite thing to do. His wish is granted when he is hired on with a professor needing help cataloging his artifacts – but isn’t as pleased when he realizes he has to do it all by hand since no electricity works in this area of the mountains. Yet nothing could be tough enough to keep him from the job, especially since the best part is being around Gina, the professor’s daughter, who is pretty and nice. However, Drake is sure that something else is going on the house and is determined to figure out what it is…

Finally we have The Mysteries of Chance where we’re introduced to Maura, a teen girl that let her curiosity get away with her and ends up in a place (and time) that’s far away from home. Dylan, a boy who lives near where she “appeared” is friendly and helpful as she tells him a story about running away from home. As their friendship blooms, as well as possibly more, Maura struggles with continuing to lie to him. But when she realizes that Dylan has secrets of his own, she sees that their budding relationship may be doomed from the start.

I read Telling Christina Goodbye by Lurlene McDaniel when I was younger and despite almost all the review being raves, I just couldn’t gel with it. Unfortunately, I find that again my personal reading tastes don’t seem to match up with McDaniel’s writing style.

Now, don’t get me wrong! Reaching Through Time was an enjoyable, fast, easy read and had some sweet, surprising moments – but overall it just came across as lightweight supernatural fare for me, especially compared to some of the intricate, amazing YA novels that have been coming out lately.

To individualize my opinion, What’s Happened to Me? was a tad cliché for me, though diverting to follow along with. When the Clock Chimes was more interesting and effective, though I still had a pretty good idea of what was going on. Meanwhile, The Mysteries of Chance was the best in my opinion, had the most depth and darkness, as well as the most obvious paranormal plotting – but I didn’t care for the end.

I think part of my lack of enthusiasm for Reaching Through Time might be that Lurlene McDaniel might write for a younger audience? I’m not sure – I just can’t connect with her writing, it seems. Maybe it’s a little cheesy for me, too. And sometimes the word choice is just awkward for me. I don’t know. But don’t let that stop you!

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again! If you’re a fan of Lurlene McDaniel, if you’re a fan of supernatural fiction and like the sound of Reaching Through Time – read it!!! Who cares what I say? I’m just one person’s point of view! I encourage you to find out what YOU think!!! :)


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