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Overbite is Meg Cabot's answer to the vampire craze, and the sequel to her adult-oriented paranormal novel Insatiable.

As always with a sequel, it's definitely a must to read Insatiable before reading the review of Overbite. You don't want to spoil yourself, do you? Go read my review of Insatiable here and then read the book! After you do that, go ahead and come back and see what I think of the second book, okay? :)

For all of you who have already read Insatiable: read on...

Meena has never had a normal life. She's always been a bit odd to people - after all, she tends to be a bearer of bad news. She can tell if you're going to die - and her conscious doesn't allow her to keep her mouth shut about it. This has always led to problems - but not as many as when she decided to fall for a vampire.

To be fair, Meena didn't know Lucien Antonescu was a vampire when she fell for him. She only knew he was an incredibly handsome, magnetic, intelligent man that made her feel special and loved... that is, until she saw him turn into a gigantic, fire-breathing dragon and found out he was not only a vampire but THE vampire: son of Dracula, prince of darkness.

Kinda put a damper on their relationship. And after all the things she saw that day, Meena has begun to work for the Palatine Guard - a super-secret vampire-hunting sect of the Vatican, using her special ability to help them all out best she can. She's moved herself, her still unemployed brother, and her dog Jack Bauer to a new apartment as well - who'd want to stay where a bunch of hungry, crazed vampires tore everything up?

But despite her new job, Meena still feels like Lucien isn't 100% evil. She'd like to believe that if he was, she never would have fallen for him in the first place. Yet Alaric Wulf, one of the premier vampire hunters and her "partner" of sorts, doesn't believe her. Nobody at the Palatine really does.

Then people from Meena's past seem to become targets for a new threat - and she finds the danger coming close to home yet again. Everything Meena's sure of is being tested, her loyalties are confused, and who has her best interest at heart appears to be a big question.

What Meena is sure of though - she really needs to start choosing better boyfriends.

By the end of Insatiable I was pretty invested in Meg Cabot's characters and was VERY happy to hear that it wouldn't be the last we saw of them. I enjoyed revisiting Meena and Alaric - and was very happy to see the two still had sparks (if perhaps still more misunderstanding and guardedness). I know there are people who want Meena with Lucien, some who want Meena alone, and then there are those (like me) who felt her chemistry with Alaric was just too perfect to ignore. You will not find spoilers here - just opinions. You'll have to read Overbite to find out what actually happens!

Overbite is a little less lighthearted than Insatiable, but just a tad. Meg Cabot always manages to throw in a bit of humor and sizzling romantic heat, no worries. From beginning to end I was really liking Overbite!

One of my small complaints from Insatiable was that Meena cried a lot. Well, she's crying again - a bite more than I personally prefer - but she's a sweetie and still a feisty heroine in her own right. And Alaric's still a hottie. To me personally, anyway. :)

The mystery at the center of Overbite (which I just don't really want to give any details about, don't want to ruin it for ya) was very interesting and almost gave a paranoia feel to the book. It always felt like there was something big going on that we couldn't grasp, but would be a danger to our beloved characters.

In every book she writes, Meg Cabot always keeps me turning pages. No exception here! She is one of the most involving, consistent authors out there - it never takes me long to finish her books, ever!

I was very, very happy and satisfied with Overbite! It's hard, sometimes, with sequels to say much without giving stuff away - so I apologize for being vague. Here's what I can tell you: there were truly surprising twists, romantic suspense, an energetic plot, and a perfect, awesome end!!!

I, personally, thought Overbite was excellent! Think there's a good likelihood you'll agree.


Pablo Arcáry said…
Meg Brazil love you (And Im too)

Sweet Kiss

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