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If you are of the same category of bibliophile as I am, you will be very excited about this new contest… How would you like to win the second book in a paranormal YA series??? Yep, awesome!

I have three copies to give away and it’s very simple to enter. But before you do, let find out a bit more about this book…


Book 1 of The Soul Screamers series -- My Soul to Take -- was released this past summer, and readers found out why Kaylee Cavanaugh screams bloody murder when someone’s about to die.

In Book 2 – My Soul to Save (what you could win!)– when teen pop star Eden croaks on stage and Kaylee doesn’t wail, she knows something is dead wrong. She can’t cry for someone who has no soul.

The last thing Kaylee needs right now is to be skipping school, breaking her dad’s ironclad curfew and putting her too-hot-to-be-real boyfriend’s loyalty to the test. But starry-eyed teens are trading their souls for a flickering lifetime of fame and fortune in exchange for eternity in the Netherworld—a consequence they can’t possibly understand.

Kaylee can’t let that happen, even if trying to save their souls means putting her own at risk.

Soul Screamers: The last thing you hear before you die.

STILL NOT CONVINCED? How about downloading the Soul Screamers prequel, My Soul to Lose, for FREE here and learn more about Kaylee?! Also, check out the video with this direct link:


To be honest, I had never heard of this series until now, but with a blurb like, “Twilight fans will love it,” how could I not be interested? And when I looked a bit more into the series and author, it sounds awesome!!! If you’re a fan of the Mediator series, the Darkest Powers series, and all other things supernatural and addictive – you’re gonna want to enter! And spread the word, because THREE people get a copy!!!

Three (3) winners will receive:
My Soul to Save book

Books are valued at $9.99 each
Shipping Guidelines: This book giveaway is open to participants with a United States mailing address only (international readers can enter if they have a friend in the States who can accept their prizes by mail.)

WHAT TO DO TO WIN: Between today, January 25th, and Monday, February 15th midnight PST you just need to comment on this post with your email address (VERY important – please don’t forget your email address or you can’t win!) and the answer to this question:

What is your favorite (or one of your favorites if you can’t choose) paranormal/ supernatural/fantasy book, and (briefly) why?

I’d say that’s a pretty easy way to get a brand new book and begin getting sucked into a whole series (Soul Screamers), wouldn’t you? ;)


Emily said…
Sounds great! Please enter me :)


(: Isa :) said…
Thanks for the contest! :)

One of my more recent reads is Hush, Hush and I completely loved it. The whole bad boy and being an angel was super intense. :)
Anonymous said…
I would have to say any of the Harry Potter books. How can you not love them?! They're the epitome of fantasy. =]

Unknown said…

My favorite paranormal story is YOU SUCK by Christopher Moore. It's great because the paranormal romance element is still incorporated into the story, but it's moreso a comedy which is awesome! I don't believe I've ever laughed so hard while reading a book, and what was really the icing on the cake was the main characters were vampires, and I sure love me some vampires. If you haven't checked Christopher Moore's titles, I HIGHLY recommend them!
Amanda said…
My favorite is Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire. There are so many things going on in the book, but everything has a purpose, is explained intricately, and is AWESOME! Love the growth of the characters and I love the Yule Ball!
HPGOF = Awesome.
donnas said…
Thanks for the chance.

I really cant choose 1 favorite. But one I really liked was The Mortal Instruments series. It was well written with interesting characters that you cared about what happened to them, with a unique storyline.


bacchus76 at myself dot com
jmartinlibrary said…

My favorite series is Rosemary Clement Moore's Maggie Quinn: Girl Vs. Evil series. Prom Dates from Hell is a RIOT!

Thanks for the contest!
Unknown said…

my favorite books are either the vampire academy series by richelle mead or the morganville vampire series by rachel caine. Both are just really amazing.
Bani said…
I'd love a chance at winning! My choice as fave paranormal.. The Gemma Doyle series has some paranormal in it, I choose that one.

wakeupangel at gmail dot com
Diane Pollock said…
I love the Forgotten Beasts of Eld by Patricia McKillip, lyrical and enchanting!
Diane Pollock said…
I love the Forgotten Beasts of Eld by Patricia McKillip, lyrical and enchanting!
tinatre said…
I'd say the Holly Black series being Tithe, Valiant and Ironside.
mrsshukra said…
I would like to be entered!

I like the Twilight series.

Emma Michaels said…
Oh please enter me and actually recently I read My Soul To Take and Rachel Vincent became my favorite author. I then went on to read My Soul To Lose and am REALLY looking forward to hopefully getting a copy
of My Soul To Save to read! I hope you will also enter into my contest with some multi-pack giveaways!

Emma Michaels
plhill2000 said…
I love all of the Harry Potter series. I like that the picture you get of his world seems complete and has a strong female character.
Anonymous said…
One of my favorites would have to be the Blue Bloods series by Melissa de la Cruz. They're a perfect mix of vamps and Gossip Girl-like society in NYC.

Count me in on this fabulous giveaway!
Amanda said…

I'd have to say "I Heart You, You Haunt Me" is one of my favorites that falls into the paranormal category because the aspect the ghost boyfriend does not overwhelm the story. There's balance.
*Nany* said…
My favorite paranormal book is "Deep and Dark and Dangerous: A Ghost Story " by Mary Downing Hahn. Why? Because I could not put it down, not a second, is scary and sad and a beautifull story.
*Nany* said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
Morgan said…
Great giveaway! My favorite series happens to be Harry Potter. I know - going back to the classics. Thanks!

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