Okay, did it take me long enough?
The Book Vault's Dominique tagged me in the comments of my review for The Shining and I'm just NOW getting to it. Oops.
Here goes:
What was I doing 10 years ago?
Getting my first-year Hogwarts supplies in Diagon Alley and taking a roam through Eelops Owl Emporium.
Okay, for real? Well, it was the end of the summer before 5th grade (if that's the grade I was in when I was 10 - I'm not willing to take out the calculator right now), so probably devouring more Babysitter's Club, Nancy Drew, and Girl Talk books in my room.
What are five things on my to-do list today?
Degnome the garden and visit my old celebrity crush Gilderoy Lockhart at St. Mungos.
Do you really want the honest truth? It's actually my day off today (whoo-hoo!) so nothing on my to do list today but my favorite things. Watch my recorded TV shows (yay Burn Notice! yay The Closer!), the Olympics later (which can be a chore with all those commercials, even fast-forwarding!), and other various leisure activities.
Snacks I enjoy:
Bertie Bott's Every Flavor Beans, Pumpkin Pasties, Chocolate Frogs, um...
Okay, okay! A true Harry Potter fan am I. Forgive me.
I wish I could say carrots with raw dip or celery with peanut butter or something, but I'm afraid I'm not a healthy girl.
So my list would more consist of:
Candy (currently Whoppers and Peanut Butter M&Ms)
So my list would more consist of:
Candy (currently Whoppers and Peanut Butter M&Ms)
I know, I know. Spare me the lecture on heart disease or whatever. Us Weasleys like our food!
Places I've lived:
Washington State.
Born, raised, and staying put.
Born, raised, and staying put.
Things I would do if I were a billionaire:
I'll try to keep it simple.
New computer (current one is pretty elderly)
New computer (current one is pretty elderly)
Buy my three kitty cats the best kitty toys ever
Buy all the books on my Amazon.com wish list
Buy everything on my Amazon.com wish list
Design a beautiful house, including my own personal library - closely resembling the one the Beast gifted Belle
Take lessons in: Spanish, French, Italian, Guitar, and Singing
Create some sort of writing grant program where struggling writers can have some start-up money to give them a better chance at getting that first novel written (my current problem)
Start a huge animal shelter that'd I'd be personally involved in
Go to the Harry Potter theme park the first day it opens
No, scratch that! Build my OWN Harry Potter theme park exactly as described in the book (okay, maybe SLIGHTLY impossible, but hey)
Buy all the books on my Amazon.com wish list
Buy everything on my Amazon.com wish list
Design a beautiful house, including my own personal library - closely resembling the one the Beast gifted Belle
Take lessons in: Spanish, French, Italian, Guitar, and Singing
Create some sort of writing grant program where struggling writers can have some start-up money to give them a better chance at getting that first novel written (my current problem)
Start a huge animal shelter that'd I'd be personally involved in
Go to the Harry Potter theme park the first day it opens
No, scratch that! Build my OWN Harry Potter theme park exactly as described in the book (okay, maybe SLIGHTLY impossible, but hey)
And the people I'm tagging (maybe tomorrow or something, not quite yet):
Sarah Dessen (http://writergrl.livejournal.com/)
Rosemary Clement-Moore (http://rclementmoore.livejournal.com/)
Rosemary Clement-Moore (http://rclementmoore.livejournal.com/)
Okay, yeah they both authors - but wouldn't it be awesome if they did it?
Here's hoping!
Here's hoping!