Amber House is a YA supernatural novel by Kelly Moore, Tucker Reed, and Larkin Reed. Arriving at the sprawling, centuries old Amber House in Maryland for the first time to attend a funeral for her grandmother, whom she barely knew or met, Sarah Parsons can’t help but be awestruck. It’s magnificent, and it’s a part of her family’s legacy that apparently her mother has no interest in whatsoever. Yet with help from her sweet baby brother Sam, he and Sarah convince their mom to let them stay at Amber House as she works to sell it for the best price possible. There are mazes to get lost in, revelations to be found, and so many places to explore. Jackson, an enigmatic boy her age that knew her grandmother far better than she, tells tales of hidden diamonds and leads a hunt for them in their downtime. Meanwhile, Sarah’s not minding the company as she grows closer to handsome, wealthy Richard who introduces Sarah to a life of society functions and privilege. However, it doesn’t tak...
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