Meg Cabot’s second installment in her middle-grade level series Allie Finkle’s Rules for Girls is just as fun, sweet, and reminiscent of my own fourth grade experience as the first one. Not that it’s a retread, of course. Not in the slightest. Since Allie, her parents, and her little brothers have made the BIG MOVE, that was such a huge part of the plot of the first book, Moving Day , now it’s time for her first day at her new school as (say it with me now) The New Girl . Thankfully I never had to deal with that dilemma as a fourth grader – but even more thankfully, I didn’t have a big, scary girl in my class tell me she was going to beat me up after class like Allie does. My childhood was mostly peaceful. Sadly, poor Allie’s isn’t. Not to mention that things aren’t looking so peachy for getting her promised kitten. Once again (remember how I mentioned the “satisfaction guaranteed” sticker in an earlier review?) Meg Cabot’s book whisks the reader away to pure entertainment – even if i...
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